Location Tracking Peripherals

More Options to Achieve Network-Agnostic Positioning

-  MineHop Vehicle Modem detects the nearest MineHop wireless node and transmits the node ID via the MineHop network.
-  EPC tag reader detects the EPC tags in range and sends the tag ID to the surface via the vehicle data logger.
-  GPS antenna is a peripheral to the vehicle data logger and is useful for underground vehicles that come to the surface.

Vehicle MineHop® Modem

A Simple Solution to Track Vehicles in the Last Kilometer to the Face

The MineHop® network remains a popular solution to extend network connectivity in the last mile to the face. The MineHop® Vehicle Modem is the peripheral your vehicles need to leverage the MineHop® network infrastructure, both for positioning and communication.

EPC Tag Reader

The Classic High-Granularity Underground Vehicle Positioning Technology

EPC tags have been used for several decades to mark the location of draw points in block caves or ore/waste passes in close proximity. To read these tags, the Newtrax Vehicle Hub needs the Newtrax EPC tag reader peripheral.

GPS Antenna

The Classic Positioning Technology on Surface

If your vehicles come to the surface, you probably need this peripheral to unlock several applications.

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